Mange klinikker omkring i verden er begyndt tilbyde rugemor-behandlinger, da det er et voksende behov over hele verden. Det kan være svært at overskue de mange muligheder og vælge netop dén klinik, som passer bedst til ens behov. Priserne og typer af udbud varierer utroligt meget.
I disse lande tilbydes der fx rugemor-behandlinger: USA, Ukraine, Albanien, Grækenland og for nylig er Georgien ligeledes kommet med på bølgen. Én af disse klinikker er ReproART Georgian-American Center som med meget lave priser, og den nyeste teknologi, da klinikken har et samarbejde med USA omkring behandlingsforløbet, for nylig har cementeret sig på markedet.
Vi gør opmærksom på at KirurgiRejser ikke formidler rugemor-behandlinger, da det er imod gældende lovgivning i Danmark. Vi tilbyder dog rådgivning ifm. dit valg af klinik og ligeledes advokatbistand vedr. reglerne på området.
Under the surrogacy program, surrogate mothers carry and give birth to children for the child’s biological parents. Most commonly, an embryo created using the egg and sperm from a couple unable to bear children (the biological parents). The biological parents’ embryo is placed in the uterus of a different woman (the surrogate). After the embryo implants and the resulting fetus grows to term in the surrogate. Upon delivery, the newborn baby is returned to the biological parents according to contract.
Help from surrogate mothers is in order when pregnancy and/or childbirth is impossible or dangerous because of a woman’s health conditions. Such conditions include:
- Absence of the uterus due to inherited defects and uterine malformations (including Rokitansky syndrome/agenesis, and others);
- Absence of the uterus after hysterectomy or surgery;
- Diseases threatening to complicate health conditions or cause death in pregnant women (diabetes mellitus, systemic diseases, kidney failure, oncological diseases, and others);
- Failed surgical interference (damage to endometrium basalis and functional layers, Asherman’s syndrome);
- Multiple uterine fibroids at different locations;
- Several failed in vitro fertilization (IVF) attempts;
- Repeated self-inflicted abortions.
- If a physician (a reproductive specialist), after having evaluated a couple’s health condition, recommends the use of a surrogate mother for the couples biological child, the couple will select a surrogate from our database.
- A intended surrogate mother completes necessary examination to assess her reproductive health. The biological parents and the surrogate must sign a contract that describes the details of their relationship, expectations and responsibilities. The biological parents are treated just as they would be for a standard IVF or ICSI cycle. The biological parents may opt for freezing and storing embryos for future use.
- The surrogate mother’s uterus is prepared for embryo transfer just as if she is a recipient of donor eggsor frozen embryos. Either fresh or frozen embryos may be transferred to the surrogate’s uterus. ReproART makes arrangements for all obstetric care of the surrogate.
Questions? – Contact KirurgiRejser