Jingdong Zhongmei Hospital er et privathospital, beliggende i Beijing, Kina. Den ledende overlæge for stamcellebehandling på hospitalet, og lægen som primært vil beskæftige sig med danske patienter, er Prof. Huang Hongyun.
Prof. Huang Hongyuns CV (på engelsk)
President: International Association of Neural Restoration Beijing 100144, China
President: Beijing Hongtianji Neuroscience Academy Beijing 100144, China
Chairmen & Chief Neurosurgeon: Department of Neurosurgery, Beijing Xishan Hospital & Beijing Rehabilitation Center Beijing 100144, China
Adjunct Professor: Taishan Medical University
Beijing Postgraduate Medical School
Neurosurgery: Ph. D. (09-1988 / 08-1991) Neurosurgery: Master (09-1986 / 08-1988)
Xinjiang Medical University Medicine: Bachelor (03-1978 / 12-1982)
My specialties include Spinal Neurosurgery, Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, Tumor Neurosurgery, Neuron-repair & regeneration and functional reconstructions.
Since 2001 I have been conducting OEC transplantation clinical study for chronic spinal cord injury. The results are quite promising and have changed the traditional concept that functional recovery cannot occur with complete chronic spinal cord injuries.
My research and clinical practice have demonstrated that even complete spinal cord injured patients who incurred their injuries years ago can still achieve improvement and some degree of functional recovery after OEC transplantation.
I then developed OEC transplantation as a treating method for many other types of other central nervous diseases such as sequel of serious traumatic brain damage, stroke (cerebral infarction and hemorrhage), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or motor neuron disease (MND), Alzheimer’s disease (AD), Parkinson’s disease (PD), myelitis, multiple sclerosis (MS) Friedreich’s ataxia, Olivopontocerebellar atrophy, adrenoleucodystrophy, persistent vegetable status, front temporal dementia, and cerebral palsy.
The preliminary results of the treatment for these diseases are encouraging, especially for patients with ALS. The OEG transplantation not only stopped the deterioration of muscle strength and movement in Some ALS patients, but even shows some functional recovery in some degree of functional improvement post-surgery.
I have been invited to present lectures throughout the world at major academic institutions, including Harvard University, University of Miami, Wayne State University, University of California, New York University, Rutgers University Hong Kong University, Hong Kong Chinese University and University of Bologna.
I has also been invited to participate in several international neurological conferences, including the 4th Asia Neurosurgery Conference and the International Combined Spinal Cord Regeneration and Rehabilitation Congress in Hong Kong, the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Congress of Neurological Surgeons in the USA, the American Neurological Surgeons Annual Meeting, the International Campaign for Cures of Spinal Cord Injury Paralysis Clinical Trials Workshop in Canada and the 43rd ISCoS Annual Scientific Meeting in Greece, the 4th Asia Pacific Symposium on Neural Regeneration in Japan etc.
The OEC transplantations have received worldwide attention. Our results have been reported internationally by major corporations such as the BBC, CBS, CBC, DW, NBC, Fox , Time, Reuters, USA Today, Agency France Press,Los Angeles Times, Detroit Free Press, Paraplegia News, Knight Rider Newspapers, The Guardian, Times, La Repubblica, The Lancet and Nature among others.